In Nebraska, individuals can receive physical therapy without a physician's prescription. Should you wish to have your health insurance, Medicare or Medicaid reimburse for the service, a referral or prescription from a physician, podiatrist or dentist is required. With a referral or prescription from your physician, treatment at BodyWise Therapy should be covered under your health insurance plan. I am a provider for Medicare, Medicaid and some of the major insurance companies.
For those insurance plans that I am not an in-network provider, your therapy visit may still be reimbursed, depending on your plan. For insurance plans where I am out-of-network, payment for the therapy provided will be required at the time of the visit. I will assist you in every way possible, and provide you with the information you will need for submitting your claims to your insurance company. Deductibles and co-pays are due at the time of service.
You can purchase a Myofascial Release Treatment just as you might purchase a massage without using any insurance plan.