On your first visit you will be asked to fill out some brief paperwork, and I will take a copy of your insurance/Medicare/Medicaid card. You will be provided with information about the clinic, including privacy information and policies. I will ask for information from concerning your pain, problem, condition or loss of function.
This information is very important for me to do a thorough assessment of your current complaints and conditions. This information will be used in planning your treatment program. To expedite your first visit paperwork, you may download any of the following forms, and bring them completed to your first visit.
Subjective Report Initial Evaluation
Demographic Information
Financial Policy
Contact information/Permissions to release Information
Informed Consent
Acknowledgment of Receipt of Privacy Notice
Notice of Privacy Practices
Before your initial visit I will call you to obtain your insurance information and verify your insurance coverage. I also recommend that you call the Customer Service number on the back of your insurance card. You can obtain information concerning your benefits for outpatient physical therapy. Pertinent information you might request includes: deductible, coinsurance and/or copayment amount, and number of visit allowed per calendar year. Deductibles, co-pays and fees for service not submitted to insurance are due at the time of your treatment.
Your first visit will include a Physical Therapy evaluation which will assess your posture, muscle strength and ability to move. With your permission, a photo will be taken for planning your treatment program and documenting your progress for your doctor.
Based on the findings of your evaluation, we will establish a treatment plan. This includes goals you wish to work toward achieving.